FX-602P Data Converter

Convert clear text program and data for FX-602P into binary file for using it within the FX-602P Simulator from Martin Krischik.

The generated binary files were successful loaded to the Andoid App of the FX-602P simulator, but there is no guarantee, so use it at your own risk.

Filename (optional):

Output as string, not as binary (only for debug)


Some Hints on Usage

  1. You can input your program written for the FX-602P (or FX-501P, FX-502P, FX-601P) in clear text in the textarea field.
    The program has to start with a P-something statement (e.g. P0) at the beginning of a line. The single commands have to be separated by spaces, like it is used in a real FX-602P.
    You can use comments inside the code. These comments have to start with a "#" at the beginning of a line and will be ignored from the online converter.
    If you use alpha mode in your code, the memory access commands (AR-something) must be surrounded by spaces in any case. There is also some character mapping for some special characters in the alpha mode:

    For other commands, here is a list of examples, how they should be used:

    EXP * / xd +/- Xdel ENG<- °<- 10^x e^x sin-1 cosh-1 X<->Y sqrt x^2 1/x x! x- sn sn-1 x>=0 pi % X^y X^1/y R->P P->R X<->Mx

  2. You have to give your program a filename in the corresponding input field. This filename will be also binary coded in the resulting program. If the filename is a number between 0<=filename<=999 it is interpreted and coded as a numeric value (valid for FX-50xP and FX-60xP), in any other case a maximum of six characters are taken as filename in alpha mode (valid for FX-60xP only).
    As an alternative you can use a special comment line at the beginning of your code, which has to look like this:

    # filename: 'myname'

  3. You can predefine the memory register M00 to M99 and M0F to M9F. For that, define for every memory register an own single line. Here are some examples:


    If you define at least one memory register, all other (not defined) memory register will be set to zero.

  4. You can combine the program and the memory register conversion. For that first define the memory register followed by an empty line and then write your program starting with a P-something statement. In this case a .af-file is generated.
    If you only convert a program, a .pf-file is generated.
    If you only define memory register, a .df-file is generated.

  5. This conversion tool allows also the conversion of the hex-coded FX-602P files back to the readable memory register definition and/or program code. Unfortunately you cannot input the .pf,.af or .df-files directly, but you have to convert the binary file into a continous string of characters wich has to end up with sixteen "F"-characters, ("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"). Put this string into the textarea field. The conversion tool will generate a txt-file with the human readable code.

Axel Findling, 22.4.2014
last change: 25.4.2014